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Course Outline


Abaqus SE Installation Instructions

Introduction to Abaqus/CAE 3.1 Starting Abaqus/CAE

Components of the main window

Starting Abaqus command

TRUSS EXAMPLE: Analysis of an overhead hoist

Creating part, material

Defining the assembly

Configuring analysis

Applying boundary conditions and loads to the model

Meshing the model

Creating an analysis job and Checking the model

Running the analysis ,and Postprocessing with Abaqus/CAE

EXAMPLE: A rectangular plate with a hole in 2D plane stress

Creating a part

Creating a material

Defining and assigning section properties

Defining the assembly

Configuring your analysis

Applying boundary conditions and loads to the model Meshing, Remeshing and changing element types

Creating an analysis job

Checking the model

Running the analysis

Post processing with Abaqus/CAE

Generating solution contours

Generating report of Field Outputs

EXAMPLE: Analysis of 3D elastic solid

Creating the cube

Adding the flange to the base feature

Creating a material

Defining a section

Assigning the section

Assembling the model by creating an instance of the hinge

Defining analysis steps

Selecting a degree of freedom to monitor

Constraining the hinge

Applying the pressure and the concentrated load to the hinge

Meshing the assembly

Partitioning the model

Assigning the Abaqus element type

Seeding the part instances

Meshing the assembly

Creating and submitting a job

Viewing the results of your analysis


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