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Water Cad

Part: 1

-Introduction to Modeling.

-Theory hydraulic models (Energy principle, Conservation of mass)

-Introduction to Water CAD network elements-looking at inputs required :( Pipe, Junction, Tank, Reservoir, Pump, Valve)

- Do Cyber net element tutorials- pipe, pump, reservoir, tank, and valve?

-Practice linking the network elements to create a simple model.

-Try creating a simple system with a pump, using the pump performance curve in your notes as input data.

Part: 2

-Read Model Results & Learn How to Reoperation Model Results.

-Practice calculating and displaying model results using file Paula PWDI

-Run steady state Model & extended period analysis

-Make Result tables, Colour coding, annotation, profiles and contour maps for the different analysis and time steps in the extended period analysis.

-Check total demand for exceed the minimum flow from the source spring

-Check pressures and pipe sizes reasonability.

Do compare with the hand worked solution.

-Building blocks of a hydraulic model according to (user demand data

, Elevation/topography, Pipe network layout)

-Extended period simulation- flow patterns

Part: 3

- Simple urban system- design, calculates report and check the most cost effective combination of pipes.

- Calibration of a hydraulic model: [SOPAC Miscellaneous Report 395 – Dawe] and check Data required for calibration and if simulate real events?

-Learn how the simple urban system, demand, and roughness calibration factors affect your previous design?

-Are you taking into account leakage and the daily peaking factor?

- Cyber net and other software: as AutoCAD, Access, Excel, Map Info (GIS)

Part: 4

-Pumps and Valves control function

-Locate problems in model using the find function.

- Learn how to create scenarios for 10 and 20 years in the future using the simple urban system you've

Part: 5

-Other functions of Cyber net:

-Learn fire flow and water quality tutorial

- Uses of hydraulic modeling/ interpreting results to :( Identifying low pressure areas, Design/effect of upgrades, Leakage estimates, Operation and maintenance)


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